Plan, Schedule, Ship with
Notion Content Planner

All-in-one Notion template to brainstorm, write, store
keywords ideas, track social media posts & much more.

No more blind purchases
— see exactly what you’ll get

Emma Grimaldi Headshot

Bao Nguyen Gia


5 stars rating
That was money very well-spent! You saved me a ton of time and the template is just perfect. It's minimal yet fully sufficient and I need no more than that. With the template, my blog post planning has been become much more productive. There's not even one superfluous function, which helps a lot with keeping my Notion Workspace neat and clean.

Made for people who care about their…


Time is precious. So, to make the most of your limited supply, you need a system — a system that works for you.


An organized workspace makes an organized mind. Declutter your life to make space for what truly matters.


Notion Content Planner not only helps you, but also your audience, thanks to more frequent, higher-quality content.

An easy-to-use dashboard
for all your needs


A place to store and brainstorm all your content ideas.

Writing Hub

Write your content directly in Notion, then schedule it in your calendar.

Social Media Tracker

Track your posts across all platforms and find out what's most engaging.

Smart Tags

Find all your posts categorized by topics, themes or tags.

Tools & Resources

Store all your tools and resources in one centralize location.


Track and work with your sponsors across your different channels.

Templates that don’t just look great.
Templates that just work great.

But don't take our word for it ↓

Time to get your content
planned once and for all

40% off for the first 1000 customers (7 left)


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Lifetime access & updates
Instructions + Video
Dedicated Support
Pay once, use forever.


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Save $223 USD
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Frequently Asked Questions

Rames Quinerie Notion Avatar

Hey — I’m Rames (the guy behind Templates For Notion)
As a Notion Certified Consultant, I am dedicated to creating the best workspaces for my clients. All my templates are built from previous client work: they not only look great, but also work like a charm.

Email me at if you have any question ✨

What is Notion?

Notion is a productivity and organizational tool that allows users to create a variety of content, including notes, databases, and project management tools. Notion can be used to collaborate with others, organize personal tasks, and manage work projects.

You can create an account for free here.

What is a Notion template?

A Notion template is a set of building blocks that can be duplicated into your own Notion workspace. It's a great way to start working directly, and it saves you a lot of time.

Does this work with a free account?

Yes. Notion has a free plan which gives you all the necessary tools, and this template works perfectly with a free account.

How will I receive the template?

After purchase, you'll receive a link to a Notion page. Then, hit the "duplicate" button at the top-right of the page.

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes! Affiliates benefit from a 20% commission on all sales. You can apply here.

How can I contact you?

Shoot me an email at

I'm always happy to chat & help!

Still not convinced?

Let me show you the template on video ↓