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Hide your finances

If you have a bank account (which I assume you do), you may have noticed that there is always a feature that allows you to hide your account numbers. Privacy is especially important when it comes to anything-money. Now let say you manage your finances in Notion: is there a way to replicate this feature?

Well, Fre found a great way to do it & I’ll show you how you can replicate it.

First, you need to add 3 properties to you Finances database: “Hide Balance” (a checkbox), “Balance Formula” (a formula) & “Label: Balance” (a text). The “Balance Formula” formula should be:

if(prop("Hide Balance") == true, "$*******", "$" + format(prop("Balance")))

Notion finances template

Transform your table into a Gallery view, and make sure to display, in that order, the “Label: Balance” & the “Balance Formula” properties.

Notion finance tracker

Then, add 2 buttons at the top of your Finances database (use the /2 keyboard shortcut to add 2 columns). Call the first one “Hide Balance” & set it up as followed:

Hide finances in Notion

Call the second one “Show Balance” & set it up as followed:

Hide field in Notion

You’re all set! You can also add a locked lock & an unlocked lock icons to your buttons to make it even easier 🔥

Show & Hide Balance in Notion

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