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Build Databases with AI

OK, let's start with the rockstar update of last week: you can now create real databases by prompting Notion AI.

This is a big improvement from our clunky workaround: if you recall, before we could ask Notion AI to make a simple table then turn it into a database, but all properties were Text so it still took quite some time.


  1. Type /table or /database as usual
  2. Select Build with AI
  3. Prompt what you want
  4. Notion will create the database, the properties and the views!
  5. Add a few properties of your choice OR summon AI to make changes OR accept if everything is perfect ✨

And that's it! You now have your database, ready to be used!

This is a huge update—it makes building in Notion even easier and quicker. It doesn't seem to support "Relation" properties right now, but I'm sure it's something to be expected in future updates.

PS: I'm not quite sure if everyone has the feature yet, and also not sure if it will be available if you don't have Notion AI activated.

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