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Character counter formula

Before we move on to the resources section, here's a fun hack that you can use to impress your Notion mates. This formula was borrowed from @hkob, a Notion ambassador.

Notion character counter formula

This is essentially a character counter, and it's quite impressive.

Here's the formula if you'd like to try it yourself:

replaceAll(replaceAll(slice("■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□■□■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□", prop("n2") * 4, prop("n2") * 4 + 4) + slice("■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□■□■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□", prop("n1") * 4, prop("n1") * 4 + 4) + slice("■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□■□■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□", prop("n0") * 4, prop("n0") * 4 + 4) + "\\n" + slice("■□■□□□■□□□■□□□■□■□■□■□□□■□□□■□■□■□■□■□■□", prop("n2") * 4, prop("n2") * 4 + 4) + slice("■□■□□□■□□□■□□□■□■□■□■□□□■□□□■□■□■□■□■□■□", prop("n1") * 4, prop("n1") * 4 + 4) + slice("■□■□□□■□□□■□□□■□■□■□■□□□■□□□■□■□■□■□■□■□", prop("n0") * 4, prop("n0") * 4 + 4) + "\\n" + slice("■□■□□□■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□", prop("n2") * 4, prop("n2") * 4 + 4) + slice("■□■□□□■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□", prop("n1") * 4, prop("n1") * 4 + 4) + slice("■□■□□□■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□", prop("n0") * 4, prop("n0") * 4 + 4) + "\\n" + slice("■□■□□□■□■□□□□□■□□□■□□□■□■□■□□□■□■□■□□□■□", prop("n2") * 4, prop("n2") * 4 + 4) + slice("■□■□□□■□■□□□□□■□□□■□□□■□■□■□□□■□■□■□□□■□", prop("n1") * 4, prop("n1") * 4 + 4) + slice("■□■□□□■□■□□□□□■□□□■□□□■□■□■□□□■□■□■□□□■□", prop("n0") * 4, prop("n0") * 4 + 4) + "\\n" + slice("■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□", prop("n2") * 4, prop("n2") * 4 + 4) + slice("■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□", prop("n1") * 4, prop("n1") * 4 + 4) + slice("■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□□□■□■■■□■■■□", prop("n0") * 4, prop("n0") * 4 + 4) + "\\n", "□", "⬜"), "■", "⬛")

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