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“Days left” formula

If you’re managing projects & tasks in Notion, or for any event that has a date, you can create a super simple property that tells you the number of days left before the deadline. I like to include it project management dashboards I build for clients, and they really dig this tiny feature.

For single dates:

  1. Create a new property in your Notion database, select “Formula”, & call it Days Left F.
  2. In the formula section, input the following code: dateBetween(prop("Date"), now(), "days"). Then hide this property.
  3. Create a new formula, called Days Left and input the following code: if(prop("Days Left F.") < 0, "Finished", format(prop("Days Left F.")) + " days left 🏗️")

For timeframes (dates with end date):

Same process but in the second step, the formula should be: dateBetween(end(prop("Date")), now(), "days")

Notion days left formula

Pro tip: you can merge this formula with the status of your task/project

  • if “status” == “completed”, show “🟢”
  • if “status” == “in progress” or “not started” & “Days Left F.” < 0, show “🔴 XX Days Late”
  • if “status” == “in progress” or “not started” & “Days Left F.” > 0, show “🟠 XX Days Left”

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