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Styling & line-breaks

With Formula 2.0, you can now style your output text. You can format your text to bold, italic, underscore, and add colors.

Notion Formulas 2.0 styling

The styling use the style() function.

  • .style(”b”) = bold
  • .style(”u”) = underscore
  • .style(”i”) = italic
  • .style(”blue”) = blue (same goes for other colors)

In my example, I used the following formula:

"Height: ".style("b") + prop("Height")
+ "\\n"
+"Age: ".style("b") + prop("Age")
+ "\\n"
+("Won " + prop("Grand Slam Titles").style("b") + " Grand Slam Titles").style("yellow")
+ "\\n"
+"Main sponsors are: " + prop("Main Sponsors").style("i")

Notion Formulas 2.0 line breaks

The “\n” are used to create line breaks. This is also something that wasn’t possible with formulas 1.0. Note that the line breaks don’t appear in the formula editor, but only in the output.

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