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Spaced Repetition Learning (SRL)

Spaced Repetition Learning, or SRL, is another tool students have for improving memorization. Basically, you learn or work on a subject on a given day, and then you have to come back to learn the same thing a few days later, and then a few days later again, following a specific interval. One interval that is widely used is the following: day 0 (cramming) → day 1 (first repetition within 24 hours) → day 3 (second repetition) → 7 → 21 → 30 → 45 → 60.

This tool is buildable within Notion, so I'm going to show you how you can make it work.

  1. Add a new table database and call it SRL.
  2. The title should be what you're supposed to learn, and you also want to add a date property that you can call "Start Date."
  3. Add as many checkbox properties as you want to have sessions. In our case, we're going to stay with four sessions, each of them called Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, and Session 4.
  4. Now, add a formula property and call it "Next Session." The formula we use is the following: if(prop("Session 4") == true, dateAdd(prop("Start Date"), 15, "days"), if(prop("Session 3") == true, dateAdd(prop("Start Date"), 7, "days"), if(prop("Session 2") == true, dateAdd(prop("Start Date"), 3, "days"), if(prop("Session 1") == true, dateAdd(prop("Start Date"), 1, "days"), prop("Start Date"))))). The numbers in the formula correspond to the intervals, so our pattern here is 0 → 1 → 3 → 7 → 15.

Next Session gives you the date of your next study session based on which checkbox has been ticked. If Session 1 has been checked, it will add one day to the Start Date. If Session 1, 2, and 3 have been checked, it will add 7 days.

You can then add a calendar view (based on Next Session) to easily see all your weekly and monthly study sessions.

Spaced Repetition Learning in Notion

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