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Copy Notion Template From One Database To Another [Easy Way]

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Notion is a potent tool that allows for unique customization, superior organization, and smooth productivity. One of its fantastic features is the option to move or copy a template from one database to another. This transfer of templates can be particularly handy when you create a powerful template that you'd like to use in different aspects of your Notion workspace. This article will guide you on how to effectively copy a template from one Notion database to another using an easy and straightforward approach.

Key Takeaways

  • To duplicate a database template to another database, copy its content and paste it into the new database template.
  • You can also duplicate the entire database (without its content), and the database templates will be preserved.
  • After copying the template, further customization or modifications can be made if desired.

Steps to Copy a Notion Template From One Database to Another

Step 1: Access the database template

Find the database template you want to duplicate. To do that, go to your database and click the down arrow next to the blue 'New' button. Find your template, click the three dots on the right side, and then click "Edit".

Step 2: Copy the template content

Now that you are in the database template, select everything (you can use your mouse or click cmd/ctrl + A). Once everything is selected, copy the selection (you can use the cmd/ctrl + C shortcut).

Step 3: Create a template in the new database

Go to your desired location, i.e., the database where you want to copy the template. Then, click the down arrow next to the blue 'New' button and click "+ New template" to create a new database template. Finally, don't forget to give it a name.

Step 4: Paste the content in the new template

Now that you are in the newly created template, all you have to do is paste your previously copied selection, and that's it!

Bonus Method: Duplicate the Database

Duplicate a Notion database without its content

If that process is too long or too difficult, or if you want to have the same database, you can duplicate the original database. Thanks to a new Notion feature, you can even duplicate the database without its content!

When duplicating a database, the database templates are also duplicated.

To duplicate a database, go to your original database, click the three dots to open the settings, and click 'Duplicate'. Don't forget to move the duplicated database to the desired spot.


Moving a Notion template from one database to another doesn't need to be a complex task. Regardless of your technical skills, you can comfortably achieve this by carefully following the steps in this guide. Duplicating the template, creating and setting up a new database, transferring the copied template, and customization form the simple process.

Applying this approach not only saves time but also enhances your productivity by allowing you to utilize favorite templates across different workspaces. So, explore the potentials of a duplicated Notion template, and elevate your organizational and productivity game today!

Frequently asked questions

How do I copy a Notion template from one database to another?

To copy a Notion template from one database to another, access the template you want to duplicate, copy its content, create a new template in the desired location, and paste the copied content into the new template.

Does duplicating a database keeps its database templates?

Yes, when you duplicate a database, the database templates are also duplicated.

Can I duplicate a Notion database without its content?

Yes, you can duplicate a Notion database without its content. To do this, go to the original database, click the three dots to open the settings, and click 'Duplicate'. You’ll be asked if you want to keep the database content or not.

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