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How To Show or Hide Hidden Groups In Notion

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Notion, as a robust and adaptive platform, allows you to control the visibility of grouped items in a database. This article will act as a comprehensive guide on how to show or hide hidden groups in Notion.

Whether you're working in board view or table view, having control over the visibility of your groups can drastically streamline your workflow and overall productivity.

Key Takeaways

  • Grouping in Notion: Utilize the "Group" feature in Notion databases to organize data effectively based on specific properties like category, status, or priority.
  • Visibility Control in Board View: In Board View, manage group visibility by clicking the "..." button next to the group name and selecting "Hide" or "Show."
  • Visibility Control in Table View: In Table View, hide or show groups by clicking the "..." button next to the group name and selecting the appropriate option from the dropdown menu.

How to Group Items in Notion

How to group items in Notion

To use Notion's "Group" feature in databases:

  1. Open Database: Navigate to the database you want to group in your Notion workspace.
  2. Select Group: Click on the "Group" option located in the database view settings.
  3. Choose Property: Select the property by which you want to group your database. This could be any existing property, such as "Category," "Status," or "Priority."
  4. View Grouped Data: Once you've selected the property, Notion will automatically group your database items based on that property. You'll see sections or groups corresponding to each unique value of the selected property.
  5. Collapse/Expand Groups: You can collapse or expand individual groups to focus on specific categories or sections as needed.
  6. Customize Grouping: Optionally, you can customize the grouping settings, such as sorting within groups or adding additional properties for more detailed organization.

Showing or Hiding Groups in Notion Board View

Hide groups in Notion board view

In the Board View, your groups are displayed as columns. To control a group's visibility, click the "..." button next to the group name and select "Hide".

If you want to display a previously hidden group, go back to the 'Group by' option and select the group you want to show.

Showing or Hiding Groups in Notion Table View

Hide groups in Notion table view

In Table View, you can hide groups by clicking the "..." button to the right of the group name and selecting 'Hide' from the dropdown menu. The group will be hidden but can still be accessed at the bottom of your database in the "Hidden groups" section.

To display hidden groups again, navigate to the 'Hidden groups' section at the bottom of your table. Click the "..." button to the right of the group name and select "Show".

Pro tip: Regardless of the database view, you can access "Group" in the database settings. From there, you can also show and hide groups, as well as adjust the "Group by" and "Sort" order.

How to Hide Hidden Groups in Notion

Notion hide hidden columns in board view

There's no native function that allows you to hie hidden groups in Notion.

Fortunately, there's a workaround. You can hide Notion's hidden groups using Notion Boost, a free Chrome extension. Simply install the extension and enable the "Hide hidden columns in board view" feature.


By learning how to manage the visibility of groups, you can significantly increase the efficiency of your work process on Notion. Whether you are in Table or Board view, you now know how to show or hide hidden groups as per your unique needs. Continue exploring the features of Notion to further tailor this flexible platform to suit your workflow.

Frequently asked questions

Can I hide hidden columns in Notion board view?

Yes, you can hide Notion's hidden groups using Notion Boost, a free Chrome extension. Simply install the extension and enable the "Hide hidden columns in board view" feature.

How can I hide groups in Notion's Board View?

To hide a group in Board View, click the "..." button next to the group name and select "Hide." To show a hidden group, go back to the 'Group by' option and select the desired group.

How do I manage visibility in Notion's Table View?

Hide or show groups in Table View by clicking the "..." button next to the group name and selecting the appropriate option. Hidden groups can be accessed and shown from the "Hidden groups" section at the bottom of the table.

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