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Notion Recurring Tasks | Complete Guide [2024]

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With the rise in productivity software and apps, managing tasks efficiently has become more convenient. One of the most popular productivity tools today is Notion, a powerful tool that allows you to organize your tasks, databases, notes, and more all in one place.

Among its many features, one incredibly useful tool is the Recurring Tasks feature which helps you track your daily, weekly, or monthly tasks without the fuss of individually setting them. This article is a complete guide to managing Recurring Tasks in Notion.

Key Takeaways

  • Get familiar with the Repeat function, located in the database template settings
  • Customize different parameters in recurring tasks, including the frequency, days, start date, time, and timezone
  • Make the most out of Notion by integrating recurring tasks in your daily workflow

Understanding the Repeat Function

Notion recurring tasks

The first thing you need to know when setting up recurring tasks in Notion is to understand the Repeat function. This is a feature found in the database template settings.

When creating a new database template, you simply select "Repeat" in the database template settings. Once you click it, you will be presented with several options to define which task repeats and how often.

Setting Up the Recurrence

Setting up a recurring task is very straightforward. After clicking on the "Repeat" option, you can start customizing the recurrence of your task. Notion allows you to tailor your tasks to your specific needs with a variety of parameters, including:

Parameters of the Repeat Function


The Frequency parameter defines how often the task repeats. If you have a daily task like taking your vitamins, set your frequency to "Daily". For weekly meetings or monthly deadlines, select “Weekly” or “Monthly” respectively. This parameter is highly flexible and can be adjusted to suit even less frequent tasks like annual reminders or quarterly goals.


The Days parameter allows you to choose specific days of the week for the task to repeat. This is especially useful for tasks that occur weekly but not every day, like gym days or trash pickup days.

Start Date

Start Date is the date when the task begins repeating. If you are setting up a new recurring task, it is generally the same date you are creating the task.

Time and Timezone

Notion's Recurring Tasks function also includes a time parameter for tasks that need to occur at a specific hour of the day. Additionally, you can set the timezone if you’re managing tasks across different regions.


So, there you have it - a comprehensive guide to managing recurring tasks on Notion. By mastering the Repeat function and utilizing all of its parameters, you can automate and streamline your tasks more efficiently.

Whether you have daily habits, weekly tasks, or monthly goals, Notion’s recurring tasks can help you keep on top of them without fail. And remember, consistent organisation and planning are key factors for success in both personal and professional areas of life!

Frequently asked questions

What is the Recurring Tasks feature in Notion?

The Recurring Tasks is a productivity feature in Notion that helps you track your tasks that occur on a regular basis. This can be daily, weekly, or monthly tasks. It eliminates the need of individually setting them as you can use the Repeat function in the database template settings to define which task repeats and how often.

How can I set up a recurring task in Notion?

In order to set up a recurring task in Notion, you need to create a new database template and select 'Repeat'. After clicking on the 'Repeat' option, you'll be able to customize the recurrence of your task to your specific needs by adjusting parameters such as the frequency, days, start date, time, and timezone.

What parameters can I customize for recurring tasks in Notion?

In Notion, you can tailor your recurring tasks to your specific needs with a variety of parameters. These include the frequency which defines how often the task repeats, days which allows you to choose specific days of the week for the task to repeat, start date which is the initial date when the task begins repeating, and time and timezone for tasks that need to happen at a specific hour or in different time zones.

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